Cost Effective IP Litigation & Dispute Resolution
In a down economy or otherwise, the resolution of intellectual property disputes in a cost effective manner should be the business objective. Underhill Law Office was formed with that in mind. I have had an intellectual property litigation practice for over 30 years spent primarily in large law firms. Depending upon the case and risks involved , the large law firm may not be the appropriate choice as its rates are driven by significant overhead and attorney billing goals for compensation and partnership considerations. The Underhill Law Office business model offers an alternative without sacrificing quality and expertise. I can handle most matters independently; however, in those cases where additional resources may be required, I have relationships with quality law firms with whom I can cost effectively partner to achieve the best results for the client. Further, my years of intellectual property and litigation experience uniquely qualifies me to mediate and arbitrate disputes. In the future this space will focus on topical issues in intellectual property law.